Energy Work 101

Develop a relationship with your energy

Expand your capacity to live life more fully

Achieve emotional resiliency



Reclaim the spiritual wisdom hidden within your body

Feel lighter, brighter, and more free

Learning about your energy body is the master key to unlock your power, get in your body, and become the healing presence you know this world needs

Imagine if…

  • You felt grounded, rooted, and safe in your body and life (healed root chakra vibes)
  • You had the energy to move and take care of your body, and actually feel good doing it! 
  • You not only knew your purpose, but had the direction and support to make it happen.

This is exactly what Energy Work 101 teaches you to master!

“This is the HEALING WORK OF THE FUTURE, and exactly what the world needs right now.” 

-Danielle, the Capricorn looking for deeper healing for self and others

“This work helped GROUND DOWN beliefs I hadn’t fully internalized the notion that I am truly the creator of my reality, my mind is the strongest tool at my disposal, and I felt a heightened sense of PURPOSE FOR MY MISSION here on earth. 

-Kayla, the Gemini rewriting her story and creating freedom for herself

“We have a complex energy body that is rarely discussed in the default world, but learning about it infuses a NEW LIFE FORCE into everyday living! This work invokes deep INTERNAL EXPLORATION, and Eliana made something abstract, such as chakra energy, into something tangible and physical that I could give love and attention to.”

-Elizabeth, the Aquarius paving the way for new paradigms in mental health

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I was always tired, depleted and no longer had the zest for life that I did when I was younger. I was stuck in jobs I didn’t care about, going to school for things that I thought I wanted, but never really clicked.

It wasn’t some magical trick that changed my life overnight. It wasn’t a healing session, or a class, or a psychedelic trip. It wasn’t just one thing that changed everything. Instead, it was discovering something new: that when given attention to, grew into an entirely new experience of LIFE.

You see, I had been studying the body, I had been studying the mind, but I never truly understood the thread that ties everything together: our energy!

 Once I realized there was this whole unseen realm of life force that was flowing into my body and out of my body, transforming and shaping the whole reality around me: I realized the true power of my human nature.

I FINALLY discovered that:

  • There are sustainable ways to change unhealthy patterns and behaviors. 
  • You can rewire the body and nervous system into a state of balance and ease, instead of constant burnout and depletion.
  • Humans have the power to heal ourselves and be a beacon of softness and grounding for a world that often feels like the opposite.

Learning about my energy body, and the tools I could use to keep it healthy, unlocked my potential to live my life more aligned, in tune, and with ease. 

So I took what I have been studying for almost a decade and created this creative container that teaches you everything you need to know about your energy: in a fraction of the time.

It wasn’t always easy for me to understand the unseen realm, but as a living bridge between the two worlds I can now confidently offer you a key to cross to the other side and see for yourself the magic that can happen when you work with spirit!

Find freedom in emotional resiliency.

Show up to your life with intention and ease.

Reclaim the spiritual resources that will change your life forever.

Energy Basics

Learn what your energy is, how to work with it, and what your energy body looks and feels like.

Develop healthier relationships and behavior patterns

Create more balance in your mind and in your life

Energy Hygiene

Hear what your energy body sounds like

Learn how to use your voice, hands and movement to create a stable field of support in and around you

Feel where your energy ends and another begins

Create daily boundaries

Energy Practices

Your very own energy practices to keep you in the know and flow!

Learn to bound up your energy & keep your tank full

Clear out and charge up your energy body with the power of your own voice

Use your body as an energy tool with movement practices

Feel confident knowing that you have the tools to get your energy focused, flowing, and grounded.

You will start to take quantum leaps in your healing, see real time progress in meeting your ambitions and goals, and have so much sustainable energy to work with and keep you going strong.

Here's why Energy Work 101 is different from most other containers you see out there:

This is not just another program or course, this is an ACTIVATION

This is an opportunity to peel away the layers that are keeping you from living your purpose. No more giving your power away. No more PROGRAMMING. Call back your power and reclaim your ability to heal your body and change your life! 

Maybe you’ve had teachers, therapists, or coaches in the past something was always missing, and your soul just wasn’t ever satisfied. 

Well Energy Work isn’t going to be like those other experiences, because this work connects you back to your power, and helps you build a sustainable, longterm relationship with it.

And unlike a one off healing session or psychic reading from someone else,

You; yourself will learn the tools and techniques that you need to awaken YOUR healing abilities, and give yourself the guidance you've been searching for.

And maybe you’ve learned self care practices in the past, but you never seem to muster the energy to sustain them

That is all going to change now.

I’m not going to tell you that you need anything or anyone else, but your own intuition, intention, and willingness to experience it for yourself. Because I know this work, works. And I know that once you know it, your life will never be the same again. 


Energy Work is THE thing that brings sustainable, long lasting healing and transformation.

Prevent the cycle of burnout and depletion.

Access short, effective, and inspiring practices that you are EXCITED to experience each day.

Ground the medicine that is right for YOU!

“Eliana inspires me to be more in touch, in tune, and grounded in the higher understanding of what is going on.”

Janet, a Capricorn who was fearing the future, and having anxiety about all the world’s unknowns.

You guided me to metaphysical philosophies that opened up my life source and allowed me to navigate my life and my emotions more authentically.”

Jessica a Cancer sun who was feeling stuck, underappreciated, and disconnected from who she was

“What I really liked was how deep everything went, and the variety of movement practices that got me moving through all the chakras. I liked that part a lot!”

Beth, An Aquarian sun figuring out her purpose and finding her path of sovereignty

"Soul work, isn’t a burden; it’s not an “I have to” but an “I get to!” Thanks to Eliana for compiling really valuable information and expressing it with such grace and care. I have a deeper understanding and relationship with the chakras now.

Monica, A Capricorn who uses her big heart energy to guide others in movement, business, and expression.

Wow, girl I LOVED the energetic hygiene class… definitely learned a lot of new things. Wish I would’ve known some of them when I was working as an LMT!



How long will it take me to learn this information? 

The truth is, by unlocking the door to your energy, you are unlocking the potential for huge possibilities. This isn’t a one and done practice. Once you learn how it works you will spend the rest of your life (hopefully!) building a relationship with your energy and building on this information. But logistically, Energy basics is a little over one hour and Energy Hygiene is close to one hour and 45 minutes. Practices are each less than 8 minutes! 

What belief system does this fall in?

These teachings come from a compilation of systems that have been studied through different religions and practices all over the world. My primary resources are the Yogic Texts from India, Kabbalastic Mysticism from Judaism, Reiki Energy from Japan, and Light Work from the stars (I suppose). I believe we all come from one source of creation, the primary life energy that flows through all things, and it is from that connection that I share these teachings with you. I expect for you to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t and run all this through your own belief system before you decide if it's true for you!

I already understand a lot of about energy, will I get anything out of this course? 

Yes absolutely! My interpretation of these teachings is unlike any other teacher’s out there because I am sharing from my own personal practice. There will be things that sound familiar, but hearing it from a new perspective is always going to open new doors of understanding and integration for the immense knowledge and wisdom that you are already bringing to the table.

Aaaand what about for those of us that don’t know ANYTHING about energy?

Yes yes yes! This is the place for you my friend! For so long I didn’t understand what people meant when they talked about feeling or experiencing energy, but there was a huge part of me that knew I needed to connect with it. I longed to experience it for myself, and knew that there was some part of me that could not fully live unless I knew more. So I created this with the intention that you have no idea what I’m talking about, and you need someone to break it down in a way that feels good, grounded, and easy to integrate. You know your energy is off, but you don’t know the practices to heal it. This container will take you from A to B and give you everything you need to feel it, work with it, and create a whole new life from your relationship with it! 

Listen honey,

You've made it all the way to the end of the page; clearly some part of you knows this is what you need right now! So trust your inner guidance, follow that deep inner knowing, and take the leap! Your soul is clearly calling you to dive right in.